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Took a hike on a nearby trail with Joxer yesterday. Got some much needed winter exercise and took a few decent photos. Went off the trail, following a stream along a heavily wooded valley and came across a spring fed circular pool that’s about 20 feet across. If there was a house or farm nearby, it has long since vanished. I’m guessing this was used during dry periods. I’ll have to explore the area a little more in the Spring.
A big fan of Doctor Who, my son got a Cyberman helmet for Christmas. While trying it on for a photo, Joxer “attacked me”. Good dog, protecting America from the Cybermen.
Monday... back to work, at least the traffic wasn't bad. Signed up for a Flickr photo account today. Have to throw some photos up there at some point. Watched a dvd with my sons about French film maker/director Michel Gondry. He created "The Science of Sleep", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and a lot of cool, imaginative animation and music videos for people like, Beck, Bjork, Chemical Brothers, Foo Fighters, etc... Check it out sometime.
The warm weather continues (40s), so I took a hike with my friend Mitch along the Shelton side of the river yesterday. Kind of a drab time of year for nature shots, but also keeping an eye out for arrowheads. Hiked up through an old cemetery and the trails near the gas pipeline right-of-way.
It got a little warmer, so I took a quick trip to New Haven. Walked around and got some pretty good photos of the downtown area, people and parts of the Yale campus. The picture is a shot of the Gothic, Harkness Tower.
If I toss things in a drawer, they get kinda lost, so I have a few boxes where I put random sketches, notes, news clippings, ideas... I was looking through the stuff, figuring out what I might paint next. It also reminds me that I have to update the drawing section of my website.
Remember that Neil Young song? It got a little warmer yesterday (40s), so I took a walk down by the nearby Housatonic river. Brought my camera with me but I didn't take any good shots. I did find a couple of pieces of driftwood that had washed up that I'll be able to do something with. I've always had an interest in architecture and use some of these pieces as a starting point for structure-like sculptures.
I saw an interesting New Years story in the NY Times - my favorite newspaper. It's kind of a tradition that some people follow, of gathering up your old bills or writing down negative thought/events and burning them, thereby putting them behind you. I decided to do that myself by using one of my metal sculptures. Kind of like my own mini Burning Man festival.