Saturday, May 17, 2008

Painting of Tulips

I painted this about a month or two ago. Mother's Day flowers. This was one of the first paintings I did, using my new and expensive tube of cadmium red. As any painter will tell you, there's nothing like high quality pigment.


Vikki North said...

Hi Michael,
I’m a California artist and have quickly become known as the Red Chair Artist. I have a quick story on that very expensive Cadmium Red. Because of my ample use of it, I buy it in 8 oz jars.

I recently came flying in from the local art store throwing my bag (with jar enclosed) into my studio. That evening when I looked for my new paint it was nowhere to be found. I remembered clearly bringing it in, but checked the car anyway. I then proceeded to pull my studio apart. A level of panic hit me when I couldn’t find it. I went room-to-room, cabinet-to-cabinet, opening every draw and implausible place it could be. My site fell on a small garbage can and I wanted to scream! Totally hysterical at this point, I went out to rip throught the garbage on the curb.

One of my neighbors came rushing out to see what was going on. As the light from her flashlight fell on me, I saw the jar still in the bag buried under kitchen refuse.

It occurred to me what I must look like. I was standing in my tacky little robe and socks, in the dark,- holding my very expensive Red Cadmium Paint. Oddly I felt like the winner. So, I thrust it up in the air like a trophy, “Found it! No problem here.”

Anyway come visit my art blog.

Vikki North said...

Hi Michael,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, I have seen Starry Nights. It was wonderful. Vincent was such a heart wrenching artist- it comes through in all his paintings. He absolutely breaks everyone's heart.

Have you read 'Dear Theo'?

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael. Your tulips caught my eye because I have just started an art blog and one of my first projects was tulips. I am new at this and am checking out what other artists are doing. See my tulips at


QuirkMuseum said...

nice painting and thanks for your comment. If you want a good place to set up your blog, I recommend Lots of helpful info and lots of artist sites too.

QuirkMuseum said...

Forgive me people for I’ve been away for awhile. I will try to be at my desk and handing in more content than before.